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Sleep and Diabetes

We all know that sleep has a major impact on how we feel. What not many people know is that sleep also has a major impact on our blood sugar. If you don’t sleep well, your body reacts less to insulin, but if you sleep too much, it also has an effect.

People who sleep poorly and sleep little weigh more on average. That is why it is important that the amount and quality of sleep is also taken into account in the case of overweight and diabetes. If you have slept too little, you also tend to get energy from sugar-rich foods, so opt for a breakfast with few carbohydrates. 

Not enough sleep

If you have diabetes and get too little sleep, your blood sugar will be higher in the morning. Your body also responds less well to insulin. In addition, you have more bad cholesterol in your blood, which increases your risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you often wake up during the night to urinate, it could be because of high blood sugar. 

Too much sleep

More than 9 or 10 hours of sleep is not good. It is best to sleep 7 to 8 hours a night. Sleeping longer does not help against fatigue and even increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Tips for a good night's sleep

  • Try to go to bed and get up at regular times.
  • Get plenty of exercise, people who exercise sleep better.
  • Do not use a telephone, TV or other screens for 2 hours before going to sleep.
  • Do a relaxing activity for yourself for 30 minutes every day.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark.
  • Clean up your room, a lot of clutter causes agitation.
  • Make sure you have a good mattress.
  • Eat something before going to bed to prevent hypoglycemia.
  • Do not eat too many carbohydrates and inject enough insulin to prevent hyperglycemia.
Wanna know more about hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia? In this article we explain the difference between the two and what to do when you experience one.

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